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21.10.2020 (Wednesday)

Liouville and JT quantum gravity - holography and matrix models

Regular Seminar Thomas Mertens (GENT U.)

13:15 KCL
room Zoom

In this talk, we will discuss recent progress in understanding quantum gravity amplitudes (partition function and boundary correlation functions) in Liouville gravity, and how they limit to Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) correlators. We also discuss multiboundary and higher genus amplitudes. We focus on two main results: the Liouville gravity answers look like q-deformations of the JT answers, and Liouville gravity can be related to a 2d dilaton gravity with a sinh dilaton potential. We end with discussions on supersymmetric extensions and work in progress. Based largely on arXiv:2006.07072 and 2007.00998​. [For the Zoom link, please email to: ]